We take a simple, holistic approach to nutrition. Our vitality, performance and wellness are engrained in the foods we eat.
This applies to whether you are training intensely every day or simply trying to live a healthy life. You get out, what you put in. We implore you to fuel the body with whole foods that can be efficiently digested, always.
Man-made alternative 'foods' cause inflammation making the body work harder to detoxify them reducing the energy available for optimal recovery and performance.
Why FIT FOOD bars?
We implore our customers to look beyond the calories, it's the source of the calories that matters. We make protein bars with whole foods and essential nutrients your body recognises as sources of energy to breakdown and no artificial bulking agents or refined fats your body can't properly digest. Our bars are 205 calories or less, and provide 15g of protein, 6g of fibre and no grainy 'traditional' protein bar texture.
Why sell our bars within your business?
Selling our grab & go protein bars within your business provides your customers/athletes with a unique sense of convenience whilst increasing your bottom line and adding an additional revenue stream to your business. With hectic lifestyles, it's difficult to prepare meals for every part of your day. Get into the mindset of your customers/athletes and offer them the right products.
Running a successful business, teaching classes, building relationships with you customers and managing your staff is no easy feat. Selling a product that is directly in line with your customers/athletes lifestyle and fitness goals is easier than you may think; once the product is advertised on the shop floor and within our POS stand, most of the hard work has been done.
Large numbers of people can cooperate successfully when striving for common goals.
Increase revenue, simply - Fitness/wellness is your passion, however, you understand that your business must be profitable. To remain present and relevant, it's important to differentiate your business and providing your customers/athletes with an additional product and more value, strengthens your position in the market. Suddenly, the average weekly spend of each customer/athlete can increase very easily. People are busy and want everything 'on tap' sort of speak. By fulfilling their need for a clean protein bar reinforces their relationship with your business, further.
Strengthen your community - Building a loyal customer base and dedicated community is essential for growing a successful brand. Selling our protein bars and providing easy access to them provides common ground for all your customers/athletes as they can feel like they belong and can build a deeper relationships with other members who also believe in the whole foods option for enhanced performance and vitality.
Provide knowledge - You're an expert in your field and know the important of clean eating for performance and wellness. Your customers/athletes respect your knowledge and invest in your company to learn from an expert on how to exercise and train effectively to achieve their fitness and wellness goals. You can leverage your nutritional knowledge by advising your customers/athletes directly about the benefits of eating whole foods whilst selling to them in the process.
Why do we offer 4 bar multi-packs and 15 bar retail boxes?
We believe flexibility is key, we understand every wholesale customer's market position is unique and wish to provide a diverse range of product offerings so you can choose the product that aligns best with your bespoke business.
4 bar multi-packs are wrapped in paper for ease of transport i.e. easier to move a larger quantity, are more environmentally sustainable vs a cardboard box and allows quick distribution of multiple bars to many customers or athletes in a short space of time.
Increase your sales turnover and profit with our 4 bar multi-pack. The 4 bars are priced cheaper at £2.00/per bar helping to incentivise customers to purchase the larger 4 bar multi-pack over the individual bar sale at £2.25/per bar which will augment your sales volume.
Once you make a purchase of 8 boxes we will provide you with a free POS stand to hold the 8 x 15 bar boxes. The 15 bar box has been designed for individual bar sale and has been priced accordingly. The boxes are idea for those customers wanting a quick one off purchase and the boxes are versatile, they can be placed on any surface that is free e.g. a counter top, spare seat, shelf, cupboard or even floor for your spare boxes.
How does your company ethos align with our values?
Our bodies are most receptive at receiving nutrients within the first 1 hour after training for quicker recovery and better energy levels.
Yoga - is great for de-stressing and soothing the mind and targeting specific muscles to improve your flexibility. Toxins leave the body as you re-cleanse. To expand the benefits of practising yoga, the foods you eat after must align with how you've detoxified your body i.e. very low inflammatory properties, easy to digest and nutrient dense - this allows you to nourish the body as it continues to cleanse whilst replenishing your muscles and support its function over time.
Gym - Sweating, burning calories, getting stronger, fitter and faster is fantastic - you're doing a great job working them out! The secret is consuming the right foods immediately after your session to provide the body with the protein, carbohydrates, fats and essential nutrients that support and complement your hard work. Consuming whole foods the body recognises as sources of energy to breakdown is the most optimal way of enhancing your recovery, performance and vitality.
Sport teams - Once your athletes leave their session, hungry, drained and tired there is a much greater risk of them settling for the unhealthy, convenient 'foods' that would satisfy their cravings. However, this is counter-productive, these toxic 'foods' are nutrient empty, inflammatory on the body and difficult to digest causing the immune system to enter fight or flight mode as the gut is now distressed - the body sacrifices some of the energy from from the 'foods' to detoxify the body. Our bars are made using protein without gut distress, carbohydrates from real food, fats with a function and we add essential nutrients for vitality - these are foods that are highly bio-available making them easy to digest allowing the body to absorb their nutrients quickly and efficiently.
I don't have space.
We have a two product offerings that come in two different sizes: 4 bar multi-pack wrapped in paper and a 15 bar box.
4 bar multi-pack L: 140mm x H: 48mm x W: 55mm
15 bar box L: 200mm x H: 60mm x W: 145mm
POS stand H: 1,600mm x D: 300mm x W: 330mm
Our 4 bar multipacks are compact and thus can be efficiently packed on top of each other. There is no wasted space within the packaging allowing you to store a large number within a small cupboard or shelf when available space is limited.
Similarly, our 15 bar box is tightly packed without wasted space. They can be stored very easily on a counter top, spare seat, shelf, cupboard or even floor. The POS we can offer is very slender fitting into the smallest of gaps staying out of the road when there's heavy traffic. It is aesthetic, and has been designed to be eye-catching and to encourage every customer to consider purchasing a bar.
Can I buy one or two boxes for a trial?
Yes, of course we do not require a minimum order quantity.